August 20, 2011

simple pleasures

currently listening to "city of black and white" by mat kearney

{build-your-own burger at fire + ice}

last week i was back in massachusetts to ship some stuff down to dallas; i always have the best time when im home and being able to see old friends is the absolute best. here are a few snapshots of the happiness i experience in new england.

{perfect new england sunset at uhlman's}

{new free people store at the natick collection}

{cosmos with katie and kayla}

{flowers in our backyard}

{stuffed mushrooms at fresco's}

oh and yes... dallas. i am finally here! ill be getting my apartment keys this morning and finally staying put for at least one full year, which is a weird feeling. dont get me wrong -- im so so so very excited to be back in texas, and even moreso, to be near my best friends, but this move is still giving me those pesky anxious butterflies. i think its just because ive been running around the country for the past month so settling down feels like a foreign concept at the moment. i keep telling myself not to worry so much too; there is only so much i can do. i really need to learn to trust god and his perfect plan and not be so impatient about my life -- easier said than done, i guess!

{the sign i was greeted with when david picked me up at the airport -- whata cutie}

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