September 20, 2011

dallas update

currently listening to "silver lining" by rilo kiley

there are alot of people who have been asking me, "what are you doing?", "how is life???" (austin), and my personal favorite,"where exactly ARE you?" and with that, this update is for you :)

over the past few weeks i have been settling into my new apartment in dallas (pictures to come soon, i promise!) -- i finally received all of my furniture and belongings last week so, not going to lie, my apartment looks a hot mess. the type A in me (there, i admitted it MILES) cannot stand the fact that everything in my apartment is unorganized, but my dad's advice was to not worry because i have an entire year before my lease ends to take everything out of boxes... um thanks alot for the great advice dad?

work has been great; it's been such an amazing experience to be able to see how everything works within the marketing industry. the commute has been pretty rough though since i hate, hate, hate traffic, but i guess the silver lining in that is im becoming more patient (at least, i think i am) even though ive been guilty of road rage on more than one occasion. i also get to travel to boston next week for a work conference and i. cannot. wait. in addition to my weekday job, ive picked up another one that i work at on the weekends; it helps give me a little extra money for shopping bills, to meet new people, and help keep me busy (which i love!).

im also in the process of finding a church home.. david and i went to watermark this week, which i absolutely loved, and this sunday he's taking me to try out the village -- i cant wait to finally pick a home church and get plugged in; i miss that sense of community so much. on top of all of that, ive started taking nightly yoga classes at a studio which has been a nice way to unwind from everything (don't say "granola", isaiah).

all in all, life in dallas has been so much more than i could have ever asked for. im continuously striving to be the best version of myself that i can be - spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially and professionally and although it may take awhile for me to get there as im still settling in, i know that in time everything will line up.. god has it all beautifully mapped out for me and im learning to trust in his plan more and more each day.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11 

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