May 10, 2012

beau & stella

currently listening to glee's cover of whitney houston's "saving all my love for you"

if you follow me on pinterest, then you know that i've been waiting for my beau & stella necklace to arrive this week. and boy! was the packaging the cutest thing ever. i felt like it was christmas or my birthday -- my necklace was neatly wrapped (with a bow!) and even had a personalized thank you note. 

i've been wanting a necklace like this for awhile and asked my friend emily where she got hers; she directed me to beau & stella's etsy page where i was bombarded with basically all of my dream accessories. luckily marcie, the owner, was so kind when i asked questions.

i ordered the tiny initial necklace with a lowercase "j" and an extended 20" chain and yes i do plan on obnoxiously wearing it to death :) i think the next purchase off my wish list will either be the tiny luck necklace (in gold, of course) or maybe just another initial necklace but this time in the gold matte with a capital "j".. ah decisions, decisions.